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Publicaciones científicas

  • proyecto que busca voluntarios con discapacidad
Gasperini C, Prosperini L, Tintoré M, Sormani MP, Filippi M, Rio J, Palace J, Rocca MA, Ciccarelli O, Barkhof F, Sastre-Garriga J, Vrenken H, Frederiksen JL, Yousry TA, Enzinger C, Rovira A, Kappos L, Pozzilli C, Montalban X, De Stefano N; and the MAGNIMS Study Group
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Mbwana JS, Grinspan Z M, Bailey R, Bert M, Buchhalter J, Bumbut A, Danner Z, Glauser T, Glotstein A, Goodkin H, Jacobs B, Jones L, Kroner B, Lapham G, Loddenkemper T, Maraganore DM, Nordli D, Gaillard WD
10th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation. 7th - 10th February, 2018 Renaissance, Mumbai Convention Centre Hotel Powai, Mumbai, India